Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Year, New Me

2008 is done and 2009 is just beginning. I have decided I am going to try to better myself, physically and mentally, this year.

I have always thought about dyeing my hair again. I used to do it so much back in High School but quit once I was married, not really sure why. So I went down the street to the Hair Salon and completely changed my hair. I added a dark brown to my already dark blonde making it look actually pretty decent. I even went with a new hairstyle, something I have new done before.
I have also decided to get myself into shape. I am not all the overweight, I just have a few fat rolls that I would like to shed. I would like to look good as well as feel good about myself when I walk down the street or look at myself in the mirror.

I am also going to start doing things for me. Not doing what everyone else wants to me to and not make excuses as to why I have to or why I don't have. I have always wanted to make everyone else happy and not really thought about myself these past couple of years.

I had a real eyeopener the other night when I stayed up late and thought about my life and things that have happened in the past. The past is the past and you can't change that. And I have always lived by what has happened to me and not learning from it and moving on. This year is going to be the year I grow up and start living for the future and not think about the past.

I am hoping this year to be a better and more successful year then the last ones. (Not that I am saying we haven't been successful, I would like to succeed in new areas and improve in the ones that I am slacking on). This year is going to be a great one. I can just tell by how close me and my husband have grown in the past few weeks. Things are going to be ok.

1 comment:

  1. good for you tracee. i was a lot older when i started listening to myself. funny thing was, i really wanted a lot of things that others wanted for me too. have a great day. like your hair..
